What is the first appointment like?
Your first appointment is an evaluation that is typically 90 minutes long. You will be asked a lot of questions about your concerns, symptoms, past medical and mental health history. At the end of your appointment, you will work with your provider to formulate a treatment plan which might include lab work, medications, supplements/vitamins, and recommendations for lifestyle changes such as improving your sleep. It is highly encouraged that most patients seeking mental health treatment also see a therapist or counselor.

What should I bring to my first appointment?
A list of all of your current medications and/or supplements, along with their doses. If easier, you may bring your prescription bottles. Your provider needs to know everything you are taking even if it is not related to mental health.
A list of past psychiatric medications and, if known, the doses and length of time you were taking them.
Contact information for your primary care provider, therapist, and any other relevant provider (such as OB or midwife if pregnant).
Lab results from within the past 12 months
Previous genetic reports, neurological reports, psychological testing, etc.
How often will I need to be seen?
Most patients are typically seen once a month until symptoms are more stable with treatment. Follow-up appointments are then typically every three months. Once we have worked through your goals, your appointments may be scheduled less frequently depending on your treatment.
Will I need to do blood work?
If you have not had any blood work done in the last 6-12 months, you may be given a lab
slip to take to a local lab such as LabCorp. Otherwise, you may sign a release for us to
obtain lab results from your primary care provider or specialist.