Office Communication

To schedule, change or cancel appointments, please contact the front office by calling 410-451-3000 or emailing
If the office staff is on the phone or addressing another patient's needs, they may not be able to pick up the phone. In this case, please leave a voice message and request a call back.
When leaving a voice message, please speak slowly and clearly and provide all pertinent information, including the patient name, phone number, and concern so that your call can be addressed as efficiently as possible.
Patient Portal: For general medical questions for your provider, established patients can send a secure message through our patient portal which is fully encrypted and HIPAA compliant. While our email is encrypted, it is not as secure as our patient portal so messages containing personal health information should be sent through our Portal. Please note, any requests for medication changes or messages with multiple or detailed questions may necessitate you make an appointment. If you have not received an invitation to sign up for the Portal, please contact our staff.
Email: We strongly advise all patients have a current email address on file which can be used to send important practice announcements, appointment reminders, and enable patients to use the Patient Portal. Email is also one of the best ways to schedule or change appointments
If you have a general question for your provider, you may send a message to your provider through the Patient Portal, send an email at, or call the front office and leave a message. If you have an urgent matter to discuss, such as severe medication side effects, please call the front office 410-451-3000 and let staff know you need to speak with your provider and it is urgent.
Remember - your provider has scheduled appointments throughout the day and may not be able to answer your call at the time it is placed requiring you to leave a message. Your provider will contact you within 48 hours, during regular business hours, unless you report in your message that your call is an emergency. (See Emergencies below). Calling multiple times will not expedite the process. Calls that require more than 5 minutes for your provider to address may require you to make an appointment.
Emergencies, After-Hours, Weekend and Holiday Calls
Providers are not on-call to address your emergent needs.
Please go to the closest emergency room, Call 911 or contact Your Local Crisis Warmline.
Anne Arundel Crisis Warmline is 410-768-5522
DO NOT contact your provider or office staff by email in the case of an emergency.
For other emergency resources, please check our Resources page.